Design, manufacturing, erection, internal and external blasting and paintingand insulation of 2 Fuel Oil Tanks (10D-981/982) each having a capacity of 1.800m³ and 2 Diesel Oil Tanks (9D-7Q1/702) each having a capacity of 600m³ werecompleted within the scope of TUPRAS Izmit Refinery Management “Diesel KeroseneHydroprocessing and CCR Reformer” Unit in 2005.
- Sampling Connection, Jet Mixer, Level Indicator, Gauge Hatch, Vent, Steam CoilSystem, Fire Protection, Fire Detection System were mounted for the Fuel Oiltanks.
- Level Indicator, Gauge Hatch, Vent, Foam Chamber and Sprinkler System weremounted for the Diesel Oil tanks.